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Discover The 3-Pillars That I Teach My Millionaire & Billionaire Clients To Achieve Financial Freedom, 
And How You Can Use Them To Automate & Grow Your Business
(Whatever Your Current Financial or Business Position)


Become Financially Free 
Today for Just: $55

*Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

This may be the best Financial Decision You Ever Make

Hey there! I’m Nadav Wilf 

I’ve had a roller coaster ride with money in my life, going from $0 to millions to $0 and back to millions. 
When I had my first up and down, I felt I hit rock bottom with money. 
At the point I decided to dive deep into my feelings, beliefs, vision and actions around money, and create the relationship to money I wanted...not the one that was handed down to me by my parents, society, school, and the media.  
I discovered the power of Aligning, Automating, and Achieving with money. 

Since then I’ve been teaching millionnaires, billionaires and those just starting out, how to be financially free. 
⁣You see...I was not meant to be a financially free millionaire (everyone in my family worked in a job and were successful at it!).
I love my family dearly, I am grateful for them and am proud of my heritage as a Polish Jew. I’m going to share something personal and vulnerable with you, my heritage came with its baggage.
My grandparents were all in the holocaust, they had their family members, possessions and livelihoods stripped away from them. It was tragic AND they were strong and survived. 

Like most of us, this lead to past based beliefs and ways of being passed on to me.

I had the following let me know if you can relate!: 
  • Money is hard to make, it doesn’t come easy and you can lose it any time. Be careful with it!
  • You can’t always do what you love, you have to earn a living with a stable and secure career.
  • You can’t always have what you want, buy things that are cheap.
Now take a moment to feel into your relationships to these statements, they each CAN be true, if you believe them to be. 

I didn’t want them to, but they impacted me...whatever my parents said I swung my energetic pendulum to the opposite.
  • I made money easy money AND I wasn’t careful with it so I’d always spend it.
  • I did what I loved but didn’t truly believe I could make the money I wanted doing it...so that belief came true. 
  • I would buy more of what I wanted than I could afford, overdoing it and leading to spending more than I had.
It’s interesting how that works right? 

At that time, I didn’t have the tools for alignment, automating and achieving financial freedom that I’m going to teach you in this 5-day challenge, and that made my life challenging!

I had bult and sold 2 million dollar companies and after a few years, found myself cash poor AGAIN through not taking care of money in the right way, with the right asset allocation and with the right tools.

I finally got fed up with it and decided to jump into training and mentorship around money and that’s when my experience of life changed for the better. 


What if I started to LOVE money? 
This felt like something taboo, we weren’t supposed to love money right? Money is bad.
I decided to have money be my lover, to truly connect to it, appreciate it and one of the most important aspects, review my financial reports almost every day. ⁣
As a result of my efforts, I was able to manifest, hold and invest over $10 million in the past 3 years. 
I did that through saving, investing and creating products that were exponential, meaning I was no longer trading time for money. 
Money was now working FOR ME, INSTEAD of me working for money. 
And all of a sudden I had more time for EVERYTHING. For my physical wellness, time with myself, to travel, to be creative in my business and to empower my team and customers.
I had become financially free: My passive income was more than my expenses.  
And ever since then, I've been teaching others how to become financially free themselves. And I’m excited about the possibility of teaching you.  
I've learned how to make it so unbelievably simple!⁣⁣⁣⁣
As Benjamin Franklin famously said...

Time Is Money!

Here’s why!
We have a limited amount of time….

There is an UNLIMITED Amount 
of money available.

The more money you make doing what you love and invest wisely, the more time you will have loving the moments you are living. 

It makes perfect sense, yet for some reason we are made to believe that we can’t make enough money doing what we love. 

And we’re going to show you exactly how to do just that, for the rest of your life.

(Nadav Wilf Pictured With Sir Richard Branson)

In Five Days, We'll Turn You Into A Financial Freedom Expert.

You’ll learn how to be a money manager and investor, giving you the step by step automated process to financial freedom that will change your life, all from the gifts you already have...

*Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

5-Days To Financial Freedom


Discover The 3-Pillars That I Teach My Millionaire & Billionaire Clients To Achieve Financial Freedom, 
And How You Can Use Them To Automate & Grow Your Business

(Whatever Your Current Financial or Business Position)


Save, Invest & Grow Towards Financial Freedom! 
Today for: Only $55

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

This May Be The Best Financial Decision You Ever Make

Welcome! I’m Nadav Wilf 

I’ve had a roller coaster ride with money in my life, going from $0 to millions to $0 and back to millions. 

Gratefully now with consistent focus on aligning my relationship to money, I’ve been able to maintain the emotions, beliefs and overall experience I want.  
When I had my first up and down, I felt I hit rock bottom with money. 
At the point I decided to dive deep into my feelings, beliefs, vision and actions around money, and create the relationship to money I wanted...not the one that was handed down to me by my parents, society, school, and the media.  
I discovered the power of Aligning, Automating, and Achieving with money. 

Since then I’ve been teaching millionnaires, billionaires and those just starting out, how to be financially free. 
⁣You see...I was not meant to be a financially free millionaire (Everyone in my family worked a traditional 9-5 job and were successful at it!).
I love my family dearly, I am grateful for them, they became millionaires through their own focus and intelligence. And I am proud of my heritage as a Polish Jew. 

I’m going to share something personal and vulnerable with you.
My grandparents were all in the holocaust, they had their family members, possessions and livelihoods stripped away from them. It was tragic AND they were strong and survived. 

So I was present to societal limiting beliefs around money in the context of my family's past.

Societal Limiting Beliefs Sound Like: 
  • Money is hard to make, it doesn’t come easy and you can lose it any time. Be careful with it!
  • You can’t always do what you love, you have to earn a living with a stable and secure career.
  • You can’t always have what you want, buy things that are cheap.
Now take a moment to feel into your relationships to these statements, they each CAN be true, if you believe them to be. 
I didn’t want them to, but I interpreted the beliefs in a way that was misaligned...I was interpreting them in a way that whatever I heard, I swung my energetic pendulum to the opposite.
  • I made money easy money AND I wasn’t careful with it so I’d always spend it.
  • I did what I loved but didn’t truly believe I could make the money I wanted doing it...so that belief came true. 
  • I would buy more of what I wanted than I could afford, overdoing it and leading to spending more than I had. 
It’s interesting how that works right? 

At that time, I didn’t have the tools for alignment, automating and achieving financial freedom that I’m going to teach you in this 5-day challenge, and that made my life challenging!

I had built and sold 2 million dollar companies and after a few years, found myself cash poor AGAIN through not taking care of money in the right way, with the right asset allocation and with the right tools. 
I finally got fed up with it and decided to jump into training and mentorship around money and that’s when my experience of life changed for the better.


What if I started to LOVE money? 
This felt like something taboo, we weren’t supposed to love money right? Money is bad.
I decided to have money be my lover, to truly connect to it, appreciate it and one of the most important aspects, review my financial reports almost every day. ⁣
As a result of my efforts, I was able to manifest, hold and invest over $10 million in the past 3 years.
I did that through saving, investing and creating products that were exponential, meaning I was no longer trading time for money. 
Money was now working FOR ME, INSTEAD of me working for money. 
And all of a sudden I had more time for EVERYTHING. For my physical wellness, time with myself, to travel, to be creative in my business and to empower my team and customers.
I had become financially free: My passive income was more than my expenses.  
And ever since then, I've been teaching others how to become financially free themselves. And I’m excited about the possibility of teaching you.  
I've learned how to make it so unbelievably simple!⁣⁣⁣⁣ 
As Benjamin Franklin famously said...

Time Is Money!

Here’s why!
We have a limited amount of time….

There is an UNLIMITED Amount 
of money available.

The more money you make doing what you love and invest wisely, the more time you will have loving the moments you are living. 

It makes perfect sense, yet for some reason we are made to believe that we can’t make enough money doing what we love. 

And we’re going to show you exactly how to do just that, for the rest of your life.

(Nadav Wilf Pictured With Sir Richard Branson)

"There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – 
in a way that serves the world and you."    

Sir Richard Branson

In Five Days, We'll Turn You Into A Financial Freedom Expert.

You’ll learn how to be a money manager and investor, giving you the step-by-step strategies to achieve financial freedom that will change your life, all from the gifts you already have...

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

In this 5-Day Challenge, you'll discover and implement the 
3 Pillars Millionaires Use To Align, Automate and Achieve Financial Freedom in YOUR Life.



Align your feelings, beliefs, vision and actions around money.



Automate your financial freedom by learning how to implement financial management systems and read financial reports.



Achieve your financial freedom goals through clear goal setting and measuring.
These strategies and mindset tools will empower you to elevate your life in all areas you care about to be happy, achieve balance and fulfillment in creating the impact worthy of your life through financial freedom.

What You Know About Money And Investing Is Wrong,
And We're Sharing The Truth and Tactic During This Special 5-Day To Financial Freedom Challenge.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

Here are the benefits participants report:

  • Creating Financial Freedom where you make more money in your sleep than you spend when you're awake, hence not NEEDING to do anything, only doing what you love.
  • ​Feeling knowledgeable, connected, loving and empowered with money
  • ​Understanding the core aspect of alignment and mindset to grow money through active AND passive income.
  • ​Releasing limiting beliefs around money that have been instilled by our parents, community, schools and media. And create the beliefs you desire that will motivate, empower and set you free.
  • ​Mastering systems to track money in a way that’s enjoyable and automated so you can become strategic about your financial choices.
  • ​Life balance and time freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want.
  • ​Becoming an investor, learning proven techniques millionaires use to have money work for you, instead of you working for money.

This is about reclaiming your core passions, creating the feeling of alignment and financial freedom so that you can enjoy your life fully, serve big and make the impact you were born to make..

We’re grateful to be on this path with you and to unlock this new way of life.

Next Steps!

I’ve never packaged anything this potent before, in such a small amount of time, for such an affordable price of $55!! I want anyone to be able to have this for the minimum investment. .

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

  • Creating Financial Freedom where you make more money in your sleep than you spend when you're awake, hence not NEEDING to do anything, only doing what you love.
  • ​Feeling knowledgeable, connected, loving and empowered with money
  • ​Understanding the core aspect of alignment and mindset to grow money through active AND passive income.
  • ​Releasing limiting beliefs around money that have been instilled by our parents, community, schools and media. And create the beliefs you desire that will motivate, empower and set you free.
  • ​Mastering systems to track money in a way that’s enjoyable and automated so you can become strategic about your financial choices.
  • ​Life balance and time freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want.
  • ​Becoming an investor, learning proven techniques millionaires use to have money work for you, instead of you working for money.

This is about reclaiming your core passions, creating the feeling of alignment and financial freedom so that you can enjoy your life fully, serve big and make the impact you were born to make.. 

We’re grateful to be on this path with you and to unlock this new way of life.

Next Steps!

I’ve never packaged anything this potent before, in such a small amount of time, for such an affordable price of $55!! I want anyone to be able to have this for the minimum investment. .

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

This challenge comprises ALL you need to know in 5 concise LIVE private community Financial Freedom Alignment coaching sessions. 

Powerful sessions with millionaire making insights. Yours daily in this 5-Days to Financial Freedom Challenge. 

The LIVE Sessions will be hosted M-F at 9am PST from January 25th, 2021 to January 29th, 2021. The Sessions will be set for 1-Hour, though the length will vary by day and what we need to cover/how long the Q&A lasts. All training sessions are recorded and shared for the duration of the 5-Day Challenge.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

5 Days to Financial Freedom

DAY #1

Align Your Relationship to Money

DAY #1 is all about our relationship to money. You’re going to identify how YOU are the source of your experience with money and how you can recreate your experience the way you want it.

Create the relationship to money you desire: 
  • Identifying your feelings and beliefs around money.
  • ​Discover how your past (parents, location, school, media, peers) framed your relationship to money.
  • ​Align with the 4 energies of money, that once you understand, will completely change your life.
  • ​Create your Financial Freedom Alignment Tool.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

DAY #2

Create and Achieve Your Financial 
Freedom Vision

In Day #2 you’re going to create your financial freedom vision, what the experience of getting there is going to be like, and finally breakthrough what’s been stopping you! 

You will learn how to enjoy achieving your vision:
  • What Signposts (triggers) in your life create undesired feelings, beliefs and actions to repeat unwanted money patterns and how to shift them.
  • ​​How to create your Financial Freedom Vision from a place of alignment, LOVING money, so you can live the life you love.
  • ​How important aligning your feelings, beliefs and actions are to achieving your vision and actions. 
  • ​How to combine social impact and financial freedom. 
  • ​How Dream Visions are directly correlated with collapsing timelines, which allows you to achieve your goals and dreams exponentially faster.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

DAY #3

Implementing Your Financial Freedom 
Vision to Live Your Dream Life

Structure Creates Freedom. This may seem counterintuitive, however it’s proven and will elevate your life. 

We give you the step by step Lifestyle Perfected Financial Freedom Plan to systemize and automate your finances, creating a foundation of knowledge, peacefulness and financial freedom. 

You will learn how to automate the journey of your Financial 
Freedom Journey: 
  • ​Learn the full Financial Freedom Process that millionaires use to be Financially Free.
  • How to be an expert at using financial softwares to track, plan and get money working for you, enjoying the journey of achieving your vision.
  • ​​How to create your calendar with the right meetings and agendas in a way that empowers you to enjoy using processes to grow your wealth and live your Financial Freedom Vision daily.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

DAY #4

Become an Expert at Reading and 
Implementing Financial Reporting

Creating a connected relationship to financial reporting is key in creating financial freedom. 
In this session we learn how to:  
  • ​Understand how to read financial reports, which ones are most important and how to use them to create and aligned relationship with wealth creation and implement our Financial Freedom Vision. 
  • How to stay connected to your desired feelings, beliefs, vision and actions to ensure you achieve your vision.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

DAY #5

Investing with the Knowledge and Tools 
Millionaires and Billionaires Use

Investing for financial freedom is actually simple when you utilize key tools and methodologies we will share with you.

Day 5 You will learn:
  • ​How to become a successful investor through asset allocation such as stocks, real estate, crypto and others.
  • The best tools and resources for investing in your present and future and creating passive income and equity growth.
  • ​​Make an investment that can grow your wealth and lead you into your Financial Freedom Vision.

Join us now for
$297 $55

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

Frequently Asked Question


Click Here to Join

$297 $55

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"It’s better to hang out with people better than you. 
Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction."     


Here Are Some of the Financially Free Millionaires and Billionaires We Have Worked With:

Jeff Smith

Founder and CEO of Scalable.
Successful company exit of $60 million.

As our business scaled into the $60 million in valuation there were many uncertainties to navigate. Also once I sold the company I wasn’t sure how to allocate my investments and wanted support.

Real Results:
Nadav has this way of seeing what I want and helping me get there.
The Lifestyle Perfected program helped me take my business from $0 in revenue to a $60 million sale in 5 years.

Most importantly feeling peaceful and at ease during challenging/opportunistic moments.

Regan Hillyer

Founder and CEO of Regan Hillyer International $12 million+ leadership and social impact company

I was already a millionaire leading multiple companies generating over $12 million annually, however I realized I wasn’t fully “on purpose”. I was stuck in the model where I thought I had to do make money through my business and then donate a portion of it.

Real Results:
Nadav shifted the way I think and the way I do business. I integrated for purpose and impact into the day to day of my companies and have seen revenue sky-rocket.

Linsen Abdon

Governing Board Member of Grain MIllers, a $2 billion agriculture company

In 2016 my body, mind and soul was broken. There was heart-break, abuse, suicide attempts from people close to me and illness in my immediate surrounding. I lost not only a great love but a partner in my start up and was without a plan.

The succession of the family business had never been easy but reached new heights of complexity.

Real Results:
The most important lesson I learned from Nadav was to stay positive, even the ability to be positive about feeling bad. I’ve always believed in the law of attraction but never applied it as wholeheartedly as I did since working, with Nadav.

I was able to shift my experience and results in governing the board of directors of Grain Millers, my $2 billion agricultural company. Empowering us to shift into focus in leadership, communication, sustainable farming, and profits.

Bobby Brannigan

Founder and CEO of Mercato

Successful sale of last company scaled to $80 mil in annual revenues with Lifestyle Perfected Coaching.

Alongside Nadav’s coaching I had grown my last business to $80 mil in revenue and sold it. I started a new company and was feeling burnt out, unsure of my team and my own ability to execute. My positive to negative thoughts were 25% positive and 75% negative

Real Results:
300% increase in sales in first 4 months of coaching.

Raised $4 million Series A from Michael Loeb of Loeb Enterprises (initial investor in Priceline) and Grey Croft Partners.
Ratio of positive to negative thoughts shifted to 25% positive to 85% positive thought.

Catherine Deane

Founder and CEO of Catherine Deane, $3 mil first fully sustainable bridalwear company

“Lifestyle Perfected Align, Automate, Achieve methodology has enabled our company to do in 1 month what we hadn't been able to do in 10 years of business.”

Real Results:

  • Beat $290,000 monthly revenue goals during COVID
  • 20% increase in their rating of CRM and Project Management systems, up from a 7 to 9 out of 10.
  • Improved level of love and communication with both them, increasing happiness and impacting her other relationships.

Become Financially Free Today for: $55

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

This may be the best Financial Decision You Ever Make

Who Is The Financial Freedom Challenge For?

 You want to discover how to implement automated systems into your business creating more time freedom to live life on your terms

 You want to know how to become a successful investor, the key to producing passive income and getting money working for you

 You want to create Financial Freedom Alignment to keep you and your team aligned to achieving your bigger vision daily

 You want to discover how to implement automated systems into your business allowing you more time freedom to live the life you love.

 You are just starting your entrepreneurial journey and want to save years of trial and error, learning directly from a mentor who has built and sold multiple, multi-million dollar business's

 You have built a successful business, you are happy but unfulfilled and need guidance from a Financial Freedom Mentor

Click Here and Discover How To Become 
Financially FREE For $55

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*

Before you make your decision, I gotta say this:

Your time here on earth is limited. 

And because of that you need to, STOP WAITING

…for other people’s permission to be financially free doing what you truly love…

…or, for the day you wake up and feel qualified/ready/worthy enough to earn what you deserve.


Sure, If being free to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want isn’t your jam…

Click “close tab” right now, and move on to do what does light your soul like nothing else…

But…If you have a desire to truly live the life you love…

Then say “yes” to yourself, to greatness, and to this opportunity to make your EPIC BREAKTHROUGH a tangible reality in just 5 days!

To the massive impact you’re about to make on your life and the lives of others

Sending You So Much Love.

Your time here on earth is limited. 

And because of that you need to, STOP WAITING

…for other people’s permission to be financially free doing what you truly love…

…or, for the day you wake up and feel qualified/ready/worthy enough to earn what you deserve.


Sure, If being free to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want isn’t your jam…

Click “close tab” right now, and move on to do what does light your soul like nothing else…

But…If you have a desire to truly live the life you love…

Then say “yes” to yourself, to greatness, and to this opportunity to make your EPIC BREAKTHROUGH a tangible reality in just 5 days!

To the massive impact you’re about to make on your life and the lives of others

Sending You So Much Love.

*Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee*


Every effort has been made to accurately represent this course and its potential.

There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the ideas and techniques in this program. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. This product is not a “get rich scheme.”

Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, your business, your knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Materials in our product and our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance.

Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our teaching in our material

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